2017年5月14日 星期日


原文/波士頓警局新聞 翻譯/路人

  • 永遠注意你的周圍,特別是晚上。
  • 當在停車、行走或者返回你的車上時,走在明亮且人多的區域
  • 穿著布鞋或其他能增加移動能力的鞋子
  • 留意(watchful)並注意(aware)四周。抬頭。對你周圍的人做快速的視線接觸,並觀察經過的車輛。不要因講電話或聽隨身聽而分心。
  • 避免在夜間獨自行走。和朋友與認識的人一起走。
  • 將哨子放在可以馬上碰到的地方。如果被威嚇,使用哨子發出信號對行人求助。大喊「失火了!」「救命!」 「強姦!」永遠能夠取得注意並且警告人們你的情況。 
  • 在手中握住你的車鑰匙,作為對抗攻擊者的武器
  • 帶著手機,並事先通知你的目的地以告知他們你在路上。確保你被期待在某個時間抵達,所以當活動開始但你沒出現,期待你出現的人將知道要開始找你。
  • 自信的行走。不要讓任何人侵犯你的空間。任何人在任何時間都可能是犯罪受害者,所以永遠不要假設「這永遠不會發生在我身上。」
  • 如果一個未武裝的攻擊者對抗你,相信你足以自衛、引開,甚至癱瘓攻擊者以逃跑的能力。
  • 如果你感覺某人正在跟蹤你,改變方向或者穿越街道。朝開放的商店、餐廳或住宅走去。


Ensuring Personal Safety

  • Always be aware of your surroundings, especially at night.
  • When parking, walking or returning to your car, travel in well-lit and populated areas.
  • Wear sneakers or shoes that allow for added mobility.
  • Be watchful and aware. Keep your head up. Make quick eye contact with those around you and be observant of passing vehicles. Don’t become distracted by talking on a cell phone or listening to an iPod/similar device.
  • Avoid walking alone late at night. Walk with friends and people you know.
  • Keep a whistle within reach. If threatened, use the whistle to signal residents for help. Yelling “Fire!” “Help!” or “Rape!” are ways of drawing attention and alerting people of your situation.
  • Hold your car keys in your hand to use as a weapon against an attacker.
  • Carry a cell phone and call ahead to your destination to alert them that you’re on the way. Make sure you’re expected at a certain time, so in the event you fail to show up, those expecting you will know enough to begin looking for you.
  • Walk with confidence. Don’t let anyone violate your space. Trust your instincts. Anyone at anytime can be a victim of crime so never assume, “IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME.”
  • If an unarmed attacker confronts you, believe in your ability to defend, distract, or even incapacitate the attacker enough to escape.
  • If you think that someone is following you, switch direction or cross the street. Walk towards an open store, restaurant or residence.


