2017年10月29日 星期日

Perfect Stranger 歌詞

痞子英雄 片尾曲 完美陌生人 Perfect Stranger 歌詞
曲/TERDSAK JANPAN 詞/Jason 鄒承恩.痞克四自從 演唱/Jason 鄒承恩.痞克四

Dive from the blue sky 自蔚藍天空向下深潛
To see who I really am 探究最真實的自我

Facing my desire 正視深層慾望
With the answer 並藉由唯一的解藥
To start again, be brave again 讓一切從頭開始 勇敢前進

What will stop in my way? 途中還有什麼將阻擋我前行
Who will challenge the fate? 又有誰能同樣挺身對抗命運
The test of pain and rack 度過苦痛與狂暴不止的試煉

Are we living in circus? 我們生活在被人操控的馬戲團中
Are we beat up by curses? 難道只能有如詛咒般遭受痛擊
Cause I'm sure will take the race 但我卻堅信,這是必須挑戰的人生競賽

【Bridge 1】
(keep my beat alive)(維持我震動的心跳)
Holding my will 抓緊我專注一致的決心
I've never met someone like you 只因我已遇見生命中獨一無二的你

(take my breath away)(緩和我急切的呼吸)
Cause I'm blinded by your smile 眼中只容得下你美好笑容
Using tears, burying the lie 卻必須說服自己,用淚水埋藏背後謊言

Oh, Pretty Stranger 最完美的陌生人
Rock my soul and world with a gentle kiss 你的輕吻足以撩動我全部靈魂
Fly, making me fly to eternal 讓我自在飛翔至無限邊際
(High, making me high to eternal)

Oh,once again, the love we make 就讓我們再次擁緊彼此
Until the sun has risen 直到太陽升起的那一刻
Our life will bond together 我們的生命將完全緊密結合

Oh mime, perfect stranger 與我,最完美的陌生人
Would you dream about me? 然而我真的會出現在你睡夢中嗎
Could you spend time with me? 或者你能將所有時光與我共享
I crave for your lips lifetime 我盡其一生都真切渴望你的吻
Breathing in frozen fever 讓我得以在凝結熱度中平穩呼吸
Standing in burning winter 在沸騰寒冬中不受動搖
All the misery need you by my side 這一切慘澹歷程都需要你陪伴我度過

【Bridge 2】
(keep my beat alive)(維持我震動的心跳)
Now seize the time 緊握擁有彼此的時刻
Defeat the weak and break my runaway 擊退潛藏脆弱和逃避慾望

(take my breath away)(緩和我急切的呼吸)
Cause I'm conquered by your eyes 因為我已征服於你堅定眼神
(Cause I'm tempted by your eyes)
and I'm losing all my mind 內心深處就此由你占據


