2024年7月5日 星期五




增加引體向上的次數是許多海軍陸戰隊員的目標。幾乎每個人,無論身材大小,都能夠進行引體向上改進訓練。這些簡單的技巧可以幫助您立即獲得一流的 PFT 分數。






堅實的軀幹幾乎是所有鍛鍊動作的基礎。如果沒有適當的核心支撐,肌肉的活化和運動就會受到影響。充足的核心力量將使您能夠保持溫和的運動,將精力集中在適當的肌肉上。未能保持堅實的核心,並增加過度的運動(例如踢腿)也會增加受傷的可能性。 PFT 期間不僅不允許擺動,而且擺動動作會對肩關節造成過多的壓力。








Increasing the number of pull-ups you can do is a goal of many Marines. Virtually everyone, regardless of size, is capable of training for pull-up improvement. These simple tips can help you attain that first-class PFT score in no time.

Activation of lat muscles.

The primary movers in a pull-up are the latissimus dorsi, large muscles capable of generating a great deal of power. However, during the initial upward movement of a pull-up, many Marines rely on bicep strength to perform elbow flexion. A much smaller muscle, the biceps should be used as an accessory muscle, assisting the lats as they initiate and execute the majority of the work. Train the lats to initiate the movement by consciously focusing on lat activation. Having a partner simply place a hand on the working muscle can be a helpful reminder until new movement patterns are learned.

Grip Strength.

Strength of grip can actually be a limiting factor for some individuals while doing a pull-up. Build hand and forearm strength by doing grip switches: begin in a dead-hang position and alternate your hands, one at a time, from overhand to underhand grip. Work for about thirty seconds, then rest.

Core Strength.

A solid trunk is the foundation to nearly every exercise movement. Without proper core support, muscle activation and movement are compromised. Adequate core strength will allow you to maintain a gentle movement, focusing your energy on the proper muscles. Failure to maintain a solid core, and adding excess movement such as kipping, can also increase your likelihood of injury. Not only is kipping not allowed during a PFT, the swinging motion can place excess stress on the shoulder joint.

Work the Negative.

Don’t limit your training to only the concentric upward phase of the pull-up. Build strength by practicing the eccentric lowering as well. Step or jump into the up-position of your pull-up, then lower yourself to full arm extension as slowly as possible. This will help train muscular endurance over the full range of motion, and can help you from fatiguing too quickly.

Do Pull-Ups.

This may not seem like a mind-blowing revelation; however, many people assume that simply building their lat muscles will improve their pull-ups. The most effective way to increase pull-up strength is repetition of the movement itself. Work a reverse pyramid: perform your max pull-ups to fatigue. Recover and repeat, subtracting one pull-up each set until you are down to one.


